
2022亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会(CBCE 2022)将延期举办

3月28日,纽伦堡会展中国与喜啤士双主办方发布2022亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会(CBCE 2022)将延期举办的通知。

考虑到目前上海新冠疫情形势的严峻和复杂性,为贯彻落实“外防输入,内防反弹”的防疫策略,切实保障各参展商、专业观众、合作伙伴的生命安全与身体健康,纽伦堡会展中国与喜啤士双方主办一致决定:原定于2022年5月11日-13日的CBCE 2022亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会将暂行延期至2022年7月27日-29日在上海世博展览馆(上海市浦东新区国展路1099号)举办,展会地点保持不变。

共克时艰,砥砺前行!CBCE将与行业各位同仁一起共度难关!作为专业的办展公司,纽伦堡会展中国在力求保障参展商参展效果和切身利益的同时,致力于为精酿领域相关企业提供一个高质量、高专业度的行业交流平台,并帮助企业尽快恢复业务往来,尽可能地减少因疫情带来的损失。相信CBCE 2022精酿啤酒展的顺利召开定能为广大参展商、专业观众、合作伙伴再度呈现一场精彩的专业的行业交流盛会!






Dear exhibitors, partners, visitors and CBCE followers,

To curb the spread of the novel coronavirus and ensure the safety and health of exhibitors, professional visitors and partners, NürnbergMesse China and Beer link have jointly decided that the CRAFT BEER CHINA Conference and Exhibition 2022 (CBCE 2022), originally scheduled for May 11-13, 2022, will be temporarily postponed to July 27-29, 2022 at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center (No. 1099, Guozhan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai), where to remain the exhibition venue unchanged.

CBCE will meet the challenges together with every one of you in the industry! As a professional exhibition company, NürnbergMesse China has always been providing a high-quality and professional communication platform to craft beer-related companies, dedicating to get back to the normal business among them, and minimizing the impact during the outbreak of pandemics. Meanwhile, we are still working hard to ensure the successful exhibitions and exhibitors’ interests as well. It is believed that CBCE 2022 will bring a wonderful event to all exhibitors, visitors and partners!

Here, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the postponement of the exhibition and thanks for your support and understanding over the years. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please also keep an eye on our website announcement for the latest news on CBCE 2022. Looking forward to meeting you in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center in midsummer of July!

Wish you and your family safe and healthy!

NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd.

March 28, 2022


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